Corrosion Control Knowledge and Technology Integration for Safer California Natural Gas Pipeline System
/The proposed project will aim to develop an improved corrosion risk reduction through an integration of corrosion control knowledge and technology. The results of the project will provide both a computational tool and a guidance document on how to reduce corrosion risk, consistent with NG operator practices and industry standards. The methodology and results will be shared with our industrial partners, including a toolkit containing the corrosion risk management models and procedures. Specific training will be offered on the use of the software and using the guidance document prepared at the end of the project.
The proposed approach is innovative because it integrates the detection technologies, corrosion risk assessment methodologies, and risk management optimization approaches (Figure 1) and will incorporate the following features unique to the assessment of corrosion risk for gas pipelines including:
Link all corrosion models into one corrosion modeling framework.
Link corrosion models to NG operators’ data through the use of a software.
Link risk results to NG operators risk mitigation strategies.
Link risk results to NG gas operators personnel training.