GIRS Reports: 2021
By: Marilia A. Ramos, Wadie Chalgham, and Ali Mosleh
Prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Tokyo, Japan.
By: Kenneth W. Campbell; Yousef Bozorgnia; Nicolas Kuehn; Nicholas Gregor
DOI: 10.34948/N3PP4M
This report provides supplemental material to a journal article by the same authors entitled “An Evaluation of Partially Nonergodic PGA Ground-Motion Models for Japanese Megathrust Earthquakes” published in Earthquake Spectra, a peer-reviewed journal of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute referred to as CBKG21.
By: Kenneth H. Stokoe II; Gunwoong Kim; and Sungmoon Hwang
DOI: 10.34948/G44W29
This reports summarizes a comprehensive field work on shear-wave velocity profiling using the SASW method at multiple sites in Quebec, Canada.
By: Sarmiento, Alexandra; Madugo, Danielle; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Shen, Andi; Mazzoni, Silvia; Lavrentiadis, Grigorios; Dawson, Timothy; Madugo, Christopher; Kottke, Albert; Thompson, Stephen; Baize, Stéphane; Milliner, Christopher; Nurminen, Fiia; Boncio, Paolo; and Visini, Francesco
DOI: 10.34948/N36P48
This report presents the development and results of a new surface rupture mapping and fault displacement database.
By: Pengfei Wang; Paolo Zimmaro; Tatiana Gospe; Sean K. Ahdi; Alan Yong; Jonathan P. Stewart
DOI: 10.34948/N3KW20
Frequency-dependent horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) of Fourier amplitudes from three-component recordings can provide information on one or more site resonant frequencies and relative levels of amplification at those frequencies.
By: Davis, Craig A., Yu, Kent, and Taciroglu, Ertugrul
DOI: 10.34948/N3QP4X
There has been 50-years of progress in lifeline earthquake engineering since its inception as a primary field of practice following the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake in Los Angeles, California. Over that time lifeline engineering has been applied worldwide and extended to address additional hazards beyond earthquakes.