Gabriel San Martin 2nd place graduate student winner of the 2023 SERAD Student Safety Innovation Challenge
/Congratulations Gabriel, Civil and Environmental Engineering, for his paper being accepted as the 2nd place graduate student winner of the 2023 SERAD Student Safety Innovation Challenge. He will be awarded and will present his paper during the IMECE 2023 conference in New Orleans, LA on October 29-November 2, 2023.
2023 Student Paper on Safety Innovation Challenge Contest
Annually, Safety Engineering, Risk, and Reliability Analysis Division (SERAD) hosts a challenge to undergraduate and graduate students to submit papers on Safety Engineering, Risk, and Reliability Analysis topics, including papers already submitted to the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) 2023. The papers are peer-reviewed by experts in these areas. The top winning papers in each of the undergraduate and graduate groups will be presented in a SERAD session co-located with IMECE and honored at a SERAD awards banquet during the conference. Recognitions also include cash honorariums for first-place winning authors, and reimbursement with a limit for the conference-related expense (registration) for all students presenting their paper at the special session.